Disclaimer: The video is a possible version of a treatment plan to treat LBP due to instability. The information and video are not meant to be a substitute for medical advice, assessment, and intervention for back pain. Always consult a medical professional before starting any exercise program. Any action you take is solely your responsibility and Therapy in Motion, TN does not assume any responsibility for your performance of the exercise shown in the video demonstration.
The 3rd blog posted on 07-25-2023 “Setting the Condition for Successful Management of Low Back Pain” discussed the general approach to resolving by far the most common cause of low back pain. Low Back pain due to muscle weakness and tightness is very common and there are many different and good variations as well as levels of treatment which include a combination of strengthening and flexibility. There will be times in which a custom program could resolve the back pain. Given the situation of many people verses one person, the exercise program has to cover all relevant muscles involved in terms of weakness and tightness.
Photo by Hayley Kim Studios on Unsplash
Note that a more detailed explanantion of back pain is discussed in the blog “Setting the conditions for successful management of low back pain” Refer to 07-25-2023 blog for more information.
The etiology (the origin or cause of) low back pain breaks down into multiple catagories. This blog and companion video demonstrate a version of stabilization and stretching that can be performed at home.
Mechanical or non-specific low back pain: This is estimated to be ~ 80% of the back pain population. This in layman's terms means the origin of the pain is due to spinal - pelvic or “core weakness” and usually tightness of muscle crossing the lower spine and hip. There is no specific injury, but pain sensitive structures in the region of the back are stimulated and the resultant pain can be quite severe and limiting.
The video link below will demonstrate one of many possible versions of a low back stabilization program. This version is a low - medium intensity and is a home video to reflect the setting in which the exercise is perfromed. Over time, more versions may be added for further illustration of possible programs to manage mechanical low back pain.
"Wes-ology" – Low back program version 1